Değişim Sıklığı: 1 - 3 aylık
Materyal: Polymacon %62
Su İçeriği: %38
Çap: 14.20
Temel Eğri: 8.60
Dioptriler: Plano /-6.00 (0.25 D Aralıkla)
-6.00 /-10.00 (0.50 D Aralıkla)
+0.50 / +6.00 (0.50 D Aralıkla)
Ambalaj: 1 Kutuda 2 adet
Marigold Pure Hazel'i nasıl kullanabilirsiniz ?
Marigold Pure Hazel'i nasıl kullanabilirsiniz ?
Elegance Special Toric
Yearly Toric Lens
Astigmatism is a common eye defect in which the cornea or the irregularity of the eyepiece curvature causes blurred vision. When light enters the eye, due to abnormal curvature, the retina cannot be properly focused and an unclear image occurs. Astigmats see both far and near blurred, and cannot see objects clearly and properly.
Prevent Astigmatism eye defect and provide comfortable use with Elegance Special Toric annual special production lenses.
Always clean and keep your Elegance Special Toric lenses comfortable with using Elegance Aquafresh and Elegance Aquafresh Natura multi-purpose lens solutions.
Duration of Use: Yearly
Material: Polymacon
Water Content: %38
Diameter: 13.70 / 14.60
Base Curve: 7.80 / 9.00
Powers: 0.00 / ±25.00
0.00 D / ±6.00 (0.25 D intervals)
±6.50 / ±25.00 (0.50 D intervals)
Cylindrical: -0.50 / -7.00 (0.25D intervals)
Axis: between 5° and 180° (adds 5°)
Package: 1 piece in bottle