Değişim Sıklığı: 1 - 3 aylık
Materyal: Polymacon %62
Su İçeriği: %38
Çap: 14.20
Temel Eğri: 8.60
Dioptriler: Plano /-6.00 (0.25 D Aralıkla)
-6.00 /-10.00 (0.50 D Aralıkla)
+0.50 / +6.00 (0.50 D Aralıkla)
Ambalaj: 1 Kutuda 2 adet
Marigold Pure Hazel'i nasıl kullanabilirsiniz ?
Marigold Pure Hazel'i nasıl kullanabilirsiniz ?

Elegance Prosthetic
Yearly Special Production Lens
For users with different eye colors
White spots on the cornea, iris distortions, and structural differences in the pupil can cause discomfort in people based on aesthetic anxiety. Specially developed contact lenses for these people create aesthetically similarity in the eyes by minimizing the difference between the two eyes.
Always clean and keep your Elegance Prosthetic lenses comfortable with using Elegance Aquafresh and Elegance Aquafresh Natura multi-purpose lens solutions.
Duration of use: Yearly
Material: Polymacon
Water Content: %38
Diameter: 14.20
Base Curve: 8.60
Package: Single bottle