Değişim Sıklığı: 1 - 3 aylık
Materyal: Polymacon %62
Su İçeriği: %38
Çap: 14.20
Temel Eğri: 8.60
Dioptriler: Plano /-6.00 (0.25 D Aralıkla)
-6.00 /-10.00 (0.50 D Aralıkla)
+0.50 / +6.00 (0.50 D Aralıkla)
Ambalaj: 1 Kutuda 2 adet
Marigold Pure Hazel'i nasıl kullanabilirsiniz ?
Marigold Pure Hazel'i nasıl kullanabilirsiniz ?
Elegance Comfort Toric
Silicone Hydrogel Toric Lens
Natural stabilization by gravity
In addition to the comfort it offers to contact lens wearers with all astigmatism problems;
For patients who do not compromise the stabilization stability provided by Prism Ballast design
In patients with a flat cornea
In patients with tight eyelids
On all oblique axles
It provides greater success than other design lenses.
Always clean and keep your Elegance Comfort Toric lenses comfortable with using Elegance Aquafresh and Elegance Aquafresh Natura multi-purpose lens solutions.
Duration of Use: Monthly
Material: Innafilcon A
Water Content: %45
Diameter: 14.20
Base Curve: 8.60
Powers: +6.00 / -6.00 (0.25 D intervals)
-6.50 / -12.00 (0.50 D intervals)
Axes: Between 0° and 180° (adds 10°)
Packaging: 6 pieces in 1 package